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We love...

Community, businesses and places we love and support.


Brook Waimarama Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is a fabulous project and one that will have a huge and glorious impact upon Nelson and it's surrounds. 

The Free House has been a supporter of the Sanctuary through the Sanctuary Business Supporter scheme since 2018 and now with the Flavourtorium we are collaborating on some special brews. Beers to celebrate species releases that also raise funds. 10% of sales go to the Sanctuary.


Brook Waimarama Sanctuary

Ekos Kamahi

Ekos are the company we have used to measure, certify and offset our carbon footprint since 2019. They have projects in  NZ,  the Pacific Islands and India. In NZ the projects "focus on developing projects on marginal and erosion prone land to improve the quality of local waterways, mitigate the risk of extreme weather events and combat climate change." There are four locations in NZ, three in the Pacific and one in India.


Ekos Kamahi


TedX Nelson

Independently organised and not for profit, TedX Nelson relies on the generosity of Nelson people. Some give time and lots of energy and some give financial support (The Free House) as putting on an event like this requires quite a bit of each of these things. If you are keen to support this event in some way please get in touch with Kara.


TedX Nelson


Dogs of The Free House

The only social media officially attached to The Free House is this little instagram page dedicated to all our four-legged patrons. 





The Free House,

95 Collingwood Street,

Nelson 7010


E  /

​T  /  03 548 9391


Monday - Friday     Open @ 3pm

Saturday   Open @ midday

Sunday    Open @ 2pm

© 2022 by The Free House


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